
​                                                               2 0 2 4,  late September  & O C T O B E R

.Sept. 28, Saturday, through the 30th, as a reminder, distant Retro planets of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, sextile both Awakener Uranus and Transformer Pluto that trine each other. That means that vibrations of the Universe are in tune with necessary changes and shall be working in our favor, despite the present, somewhat uneasy feeling that the Lunar Eclipse in sensitive Pisces has spread about. Neptune (Pisces' ruling planet) is compassionate and altruistic, if nothing else, and can find solutions even in the dark. 

Sunday, Sept. 29, Moon enters analytic, hard-working, Virgo, also capable of enjoying the finer things in life. Virgo always can be relied on to "fix things!" While Monday, Sept. 30, Messenger Mercury, having entered Libra, joins up with the Sun. This is another indication that we can find a middle road and attempt to fine the "win-win" solution to our problems!

                                                            OVERVIEW for OCTOBER
At the beginning of this month, there are no planets in action-oriented Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) until Oct. 17th, when Love-goddess Venus enters risk-taking, candid, open and friendly Sagittarius. The good news, though, is that Love's Duo, Mars and Venus, is once again in compatible signs with one another. Presently,  Venus falls in sensuous and mystical Scorpio, while Mars in understated, intuitive and emotional, Cancer. Since we're in the eclipse season, there's not a lack of excitement that missing Fire-sign placements might otherwise have brought about. Then there are three planets, including the Sun, in Air/Mental signs (Sun, Mercury, generous Jupiter); two in practical-minded Earth signs (Uranus and Pluto); and an entire 4 in intuitive, emotionally-oriented Water signs, including Love's duo, disciplinarian Saturn, and Creative Muse Neptune. 

Of Retrograding planets that bring about a resurfacing of past issues and people, there remain 4 distant planets: Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto. This month we have Transformer Pluto turning Direct; while two days later, Good-luck planet Jupiter goes Retrograde. 

Tuesday, Oct. 1, Moon in late Virgo trines potent Pluto: we can advance in our goals, while keeping in mind tomorrow's Solar Eclipse New Moon that's bound to make changes. This eclipse follows on the heels of last month's Lunar Full Moon eclipse in pioneering Aries. Sure enough, later in the day, the Moon enters diplomatic, other-oriented, but, basically, emotionally-detached Libra, joining the Sun and Communicator Mercury in that socially-inclined sign.

The next day, Wednesday, Oct. 2, both Sun and Moon join up with Messenger Mercury, during the Solar Eclipse at 9.46 degrees Libra--Libra being the sign of mediation, charm and diplomacy, and partnerships. These themes, therefore, will reign. Get ready to uncover truths hidden from you until now, truths necessary in making sound decisions. Libra, too, is an ambitious sign that takes its time to consider any decision. Since there is no lack of intuitive, emotional Water sign placements, Libra's characteristics may help in achieving necessary compromises. Mars in Cancer vibrations are in conflict with Libran energies but trine Disciplinarian Saturn that throws its influence in favor of actions taken by Mars. Since Venus in Scorpio is nearby, feelings are not likely to be totally dismissed, or swept under the rug.  Fortunately, during this New Moon period, the 3 distant planets ( Awakener Uranus trine Change-agent Pluto, while they sextile inspiration-planet Neptune), have a positive affect on us all as we deal with our major changes this  year of 2024.

The Moon remains in charming, refined Libra through Thursday, Oct. 3, catching up with generous Jupiter; but, otherwise, it's devoid of major aspects. Good, for in this way we can better deal with the after-effects of the Solar Eclipse. Thursday's mood remains upbeat.

Friday, Oct. 4, Desire-planet Venus in sultry, intense Scorpio meets up with stern-teacher Saturn in a favorable trine aspect. Venus is the best antidote for depressive Saturn; while Saturn's energies are essential to any love affair that intends to last. Make plans to get together on this Friday, for Mars, too, remains nearby and is in accord with present energies. Moon later on enters laser-focused, yet mystical Scorpio. 

Over the weekend (Oct. 5,6), the transiting Moon joins Venus in Scorpio, a social aspect, for sure. Go visit your favorite astrologer or tarot-card reader or attend a seminar. Sunday, Oct. 6, however, is less favorable as Communicator Mercury in Libra squares personal and private Mars in Cancer. Mind (Mercury) and actions (Mars) are not in accord. You may have a disagreement with someone over their behavior. It may be a near-relation, neighbor, or youthful person. Could it be age-gap related? Moon now enters fraternizing, risk-taking Sagittarius.

Mark Tuesday, Oct. 8, on your calendar--this is an especially nice day to socialize with your sweetheart: Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Cancer are trine at 18 degrees; while Messenger Mercury in Libra trines Good-luck planet, generous Jupitar in Gemini at 21 degrees. With Jupiter, you can entice opportunities and good luck. Take advantage now, since Jupiter is about to turn Retrograde tomorrow, Oct. 9! The Retrograde direction would mean that there'll not be the saving grace coming out-of-the-blue. Instead, we'll need to rely on ourselves to be generous and helpful. The good news for Gemini and those with placements in Gemini, Jupiter stays in your sign longer now. 

Come Wednesday, Oct. 9, transiting Moon enters the more cautious, more serious and hard-working Capricorn, a sign that squares Libra energies. Not a comfortable feeling at best. Both signs are action-provoking, but with such a different approach: Capricorn being ruled by karmic, reality-planet Saturn, while Libra's ruler (co-ruler with Taurus) is the Love-goddess Venus. 

The only aspect there is on Thursday, Oct. 10, is the more solemn, restrictive Capricorn Moon sextile Venus in intriguing Scorpio. Both are introspective signs whose trust is not easy to gain. But with the right company, puzzles can be solved and secret engagements kept secret!

On Friday, Oct. 11, planet of change and transformation, Pluto, turns Direct in the late degrees of Capricorn, having Retrograded in early May at 2.04 degrees Aquarius. A refresher: Pluto entered Capricorn February 25th, 2008, a year of global economic crisis. Forward to the 20th of February, 2024: Pluto entered Aquarius for some 6 months, giving us a taste of that. It Retrograded in May, 2024, and reentered Capricorn at the beginning of this past September; just in time to have us complete some unfinished business.

 Looking forward to the 19th of this November, Pluto will Reenter the sign of Aquarius for approximately the next 20 years. Major changes will be occurring both in our personal lives and the public, global sphere. Wherever in your chart falls transiting Pluto, now that it's going Direct again, through events and circumstances, Pluto forces us to regenerate our lives, resurrect our past, and seeks to assist us in rebuilding well as others in our circle! Hopefully, after a time of reflection during this Retrograde, we will now use our power more wisely. Meanwhile, the Moon moves into unique, visionary and humanitarian Aquarius! 

Saturday, Oct. 12, the Moon in Aquarius trines the Sun in sociable and charming Libra. An agreeable day for most. The next day, Sunday, Oct. 13, is the more complex day. Behind-the-scenes, fast0moving Messenger Mercury in Libra squares Change-agent Pluto. Someone seeks to oppose a change-over; that's while, front stage and center, the Sun trines expansion-planet Jupiter: "Life Is Just a Bowl off Cherries," a now ancient song that expresses content and satisfaction! Meanwhile, Communication-planet Mercury leaves diplomatic Libra for the deep-digging and intense sign of Scorpio! What will we unearth? That's while transiting Moon enters most-intuitive, chameleon-like Pisces. 

Start of the normal work-week for many, Monday, Oct. 14, the Sun in socially-interactive Libra meets up with Mars in private and personal, family-oriented Cancer. Both signs are leaders in their respective fields of interest, but not easily compatible with one another. At this same time, Love-goddess Venus in Scorpio is opposed by someone or something out-of-the-norm, Uranus ruled! It's a, sort of, "anything goes" type of day. Stay on the alert and be flexible.

OCTOBER 15-21:
On Tuesday and Wednesday (Oct. 15, 16), Moon is in brave-hearted, spontaneous Aries. However, keep in mind that just last week, the transiting Sun vs Mars and Venus vs Awakener Uranus were in harsh aspects roiling up our feelings and well-being. That should suggest we temper our desires/feelings with clear thinking (Libra influence). Compromises are still possible. Especially Tuesday, Venus now in passionate Scorpio trines Creative Muse Neptune. Chances are that altruism and compassion may yet win out, for even the Aries Moon's brashness and enthusiasm veers toward generosity of spirit. Wednesday lacks major aspects--which is just as well since many of us already feel the stress/tension of tomorrow's Full Moon as Sun and Moon oppose one another, and we hasten to mesh two opposing points of view.

What a busy day is Thursday, Oct. 17, with the Full Moon in Aries at 24.36 degrees. Good news is that the Libra sun (also at the same degree) still trines the now Retrograding Good-luck planet Jupiter that urges generosity toward one another, especially re past issues. That's while the Sun/Moon both square Mars in Cancer! Since Full Moons are the harvesting of our efforts since the last New Moon (Oct. 2), Aries vibes concern "Me, myself, and I," while Libra looks more to please its other half, also society, in general, while Cancer is strongly family-oriented. Look for harvesting of results now! In the near future (Oct. 22), the Sun will square Transformer Pluto that is now going Direct (since Oct. 11). It's possible that a number of readers will already feel the divide in the road away from someone or something. Although, it's also possible that relations can be mended after the months of a Pluto Retrograde that allowed for us to reconsider our past actions, and to, perhaps temper them. That's true in aspects of health, too; since how we relate with one another affects our well being. This month--and the days, week, and months just after the eclipses--is complex so use the Water-sign placements to deal with emotions and feelings that have asked to be considered since Pluto's Retrograde.

After the Full Moon of Oct.17, and before the day ends, Love-goddess Venus slips into Fire-sign Sagittarius that enjoys long-distance travel and doing something exciting with its group of like-minded friends. The two female stereotypes, the Aries Moon and Venus in Sagittarius, are, definitely, in accord.

On Friday, Oct. 18, the only aspect is of the Moon entering earthy, stable, and sensuous Taurus that proceeds to sextile the once most stern-Saturn in the more gentle and enigmatic sign of Pisces. Responsibilities taken on with a cheerful heart are not that hard to bear.

On the weekend (Sat., Oct. 19, and Sun., Oct. 20) only has aspects formed by the Moon. Saturday, there's accord between the Taurus Moon and Change-agent Pluto in late-degrees Capricorn...That's good for practical tasks and endeavors. Before the day is through, though, the Moon enters the more light-hearted, highly communicative Gemini Moon. Come Sunday, Moon in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces; we may need to assist an elder or there are other responsibilities that halt our wish to be free and visit the neighborhood. It's a disconcerting day if we try to understand all that's happening about us. 

Monday, Oct. 21, too, only has the Gemini Moon squaring Neptune in Pisces: either a situation is muddled and confused, possibly even deceptive, or for those with a talent and experience, messages from the Universe may be received and deciphered. Moon that now enters nurturing Cancer may remind us to be more inclusive of others in our plans for the day!

OCTOBER 22-31:
On Tuesday, Oct. 22, the Sun in the last degrees of Cardinal (initiator), Air/Mental sign of Libra encounters Transformer Pluto in last degrees of also Cardinal sign, but Earthy, community-minded Capricorn. It's possible to encounter a major or minor breakdown of, say, a piece of equipment or, at worst, a car breaking down. Possibly the mishap may happen to a male (Sun rules males). More often than not this signals that a relationship, too, is experiencing a minor or major transition. Look to the repairs. Good that the other aspect on this day is positive: Messenger Mercury in laser-focused Scorpio trines Reality and Karmic planet Saturn. Communication (Mercury) with an elder and/or authority figure may save the day. Then Too, time for the Sun to leave refined and social Libra for the more mysterious, enticing, passionate but poker-faced Scorpio. 

On Wednesday, Oct. 23, the only aspect we have is the Moon, ruling women (Mom, especially) and the public, emotions, memories, conjoining Action-planet Mars in family-oriented Cancer. This could bring about an emotional out-burst from someone. Also, dynamic Mars nears its opposition to Change-agent Pluto, the precise date of which would be November 1. Except that the stress and tension of these energies can already hang heavy in the air.

Thursday, Oct. 24, Mars rather blithely sextiles Planet-of-the-unexpected Uranus in Taurus. Doing something differently now has its benefits. Transiting Moon enters confident, sometimes domineering Leo. Scorpio vibrations may block Leo's attempts to showcase itself. Next day, Friday (Oct. 25), the Leo Moon partners up with restless, loquacious and generous Jupiter in Gemini. That's lively company; plus Gemini brings forth opportunities and help-ful people!

The upcoming weekend (Oct. 26-27) just features Moon, now in organized, analytical, highly-intelligent and helpful Virgo. The Sun in intuitive, fluid Scorpio and clever Virgo make for a productive weekend. Except on Sunday (Oct. 27) the Virgo Moon opposes restrictive Saturn in Pisces. Responsibilities may interfere with other plans.

Monday (Oct. 28), motivator Mars in nurturing Cancer teams up with inspirational Planet Neptune in Pisces. An altruistic project could bring success; though artistic activities may be marred by the square aspect between Venus in risk-taking Sagittarius and Saturn' s heavy hand in Pisces. Then Tuesday, Oct. 29, lacks aspects, except for the Moon that enters pleasant, sociable Libra. The following day, however, Communicator Mercury in laser-sharp, deep-digging Scorpio is opposed by circumstances and/or a person arriving "out of the blue." Or news (Mercury) could reveal something unexpected (Uranus). Plus, this may be the time to recall that Mars is nearing the opposition to Pluto that, if we're not ready for it, may bring a sharp reckoning of some kind. More on that at the early start of next month.

Thursday, Oct. 3l, Messenger Mercury is inspired by the trine to Dream-planet Neptune. A solution to a problem may be found or an artistic-inspiration arrive! The Moon now leaves diplomatic Libra for the more other-worldly, mystical Scorpio. Being aware that we need to deal with opposing viewpoints to changes in our personal/professional lives ( Mars opposing Pluto) but that we have plenty of energy to deal with life's uncertainties and consequences, allows us to react with confidence.  

Astrology prognosis for