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MAY 1-7:
This month of May, that's solid-Taurus-time, may help us organize the helter-skelter happenings of the past couple of eclipses (March 25, April 8) and the strong energies of April, Aries-time. That's since, presently, we've four planets in the financially-solvent, practically-oriented, materialistically-inclined Taurus: The Sun, generous Jupiter, Awakener Uranus, and Love-goddess, ruler of Taurus, Venus! What's more, Messenger Mercury and Action-planet Mars are both in Aries, continuing to guide us into unknown territory for taking on necessary changes. That's while Jupiter and Uranus remain in close proximity throughout the first week in May--helping to get us "unstuck" from situations that have, heretofore, held us captive. Good-luck then!

Wednesday, May 1, a holiday for many in the EU, sports that dynamic Mars in Aries, while the Moon is in "out-of-the-box" thinking Aquarius. Love-goddess Venus, of Love's Duo, just the last 2 days of April entered its home-base of Taurus and today faces off with Transformer Pluto in Aquarius. This is a day better spent with family and friends, rather than planning romantic overtures, notions that would, likely, not turn out harmoniously. Just so that we know, the Love's Duo planets are in their best signs, but these signs are not compatible with one another. For Venus & Mars to be in harmony and help Love & Romance, we need to wait until about June 23, through the end of next month, when Venus is in the sign of Cancer and Mars in Taurus, forming a sextile. Until then, we shall feel energized by each planet as each aspects our individual planets in our horoscope, but not them acting as "a Duo!"

On back-to-work (for many) Thursday, May 2, the Moon enters intuitive Water-sign Pisces, in accord with the Taurus Sun. The day is important enough as Change-agent Pluto Retrogrades at 2.06 degrees Aquarius--until Oct. 12 of this year! It'll return to late degrees of Capricorn from Sept. 2--Nov. 20, perhaps finishing off something for Capricorn natives or those with planets in that sign. This is the first such Retrograde of distant planets; while late June features a Saturn Retro, early July, Neptune, and October, a Uranus Retrograde. Retrogrades often bring in past issues for Reevaluation. The Pluto Retro shall have us reviewing some ways in which self-empowerment and power-dealings may have been abused. These months would allow us time to RE-construct something; or for others to Redo their way of dealing with us. Good time for basement and water-pipe renovations, also ruled by Pluto.

Friday, May 3, has Action-planet Mars from Aries sextile the now-turned Retro, Transformer Pluto. Action taken would be helpful in making changes that are presently challenging us. While on Saturday, May 4, a holiday in Latvia (Yay!), Moon enters Aries, but in doing so elicits bruised feelings for someone. The good news is that Aries gets over "tiffs" quickly. From now on, the stage, this forecast week, gets set for New Moon on Tuesday, May 7.  Prior to that, transiting Moon in Taurus on the preceding Monday squares Pluto. There are existing, unappealing undercurrents, perhaps in a job sphere, as well as globally.

On New Moon day itself, May 7, Sun in hard-working, patient and enduring, yet, enjoying its leisure-time, Taurus, sextiles Saturn in Pisces. Since we get along well with seniors and those in authority (Saturn ruled), that means this particular New Moon is less likely to stress us out. Presently, the Sun and Moon at 17.24 degrees Taurus are found between Desire-planet Venus (9.52 degrees Taurus) and Awakener Uranus (22.45 degrees Taurus), also Good-luck-planet Jupiter (at 25.38 degrees, Taurus) that's still in near orbit to the Sun/Moon. That's a heck of a stellium of planets to guide and empower us with some sort of new beginning. Make plans to use these energies wisely in the upcoming week.

MAY 8-14:
Wednesday, May 8, Moon in the last 10 degrees of Taurus joins up with Planet-of-the-unexpected Uranus and then expansion-planet Jupiter, making for an active, productive day. Later, the Moon enters restless, oh-so-smart, yet, oh, so elusive (romantically-speaking) Gemini! Then the next day, May 9, a Thursday, Gemini Moon sextiles dynamic Mars in its own best element, Aries. The Gemini touch lightens our way, as we get set to move/climb those metaphoric mountains!

TGIF day, May 10, Moon in Gemini now sextiles Communicator Mercury in Aries: we're socializing with others and making plans to meet up. Later, transiting Moon enters family-oriented Cancer.

The weekend (May 11-12) is fairly quiet with only Moon aspects. On Saturday, Moon in creative, intuitive, Cancer squares off with Mars in direct Aries. You've still got time to get something nice for your Mom, and Cancer is such an appropriate Moon-sign to celebrate Mother's Day tomorrow. Even though some disagreements may abound Saturday, on Sunday, Moon in Cancer sextiles Planet-of-the-unexpected Uranus! Welcome a unique solution or unexpected visitor. Surprise your Mom, why don't you?  

On Monday, May 13, the "out of the blue" trend continues, as Sun in solid-citizen, conventional Taurus, meets up with Uranus in Taurus, too, that demands a transition of sorts. We're next encouraged to socialize, as Venus Sextiles Saturn in Pisces; this may be a job-related diversion that breaks tension. Also, the Moon in confidant Leo opposes Pluto. Give respect where respect is due, perhaps to seniors/authority-holders, since Saturn is near. Sometimes Moon in Leo's wish to shine gets in its own way.

This forecast week ends off Tuesday, May 14, as Moon in Leo now squares Venus in the practically-minded Taurus. Keep in mind that however conventional, Venus wants what it wants, when it wants it, and a real tug-of-war may ensue if both energies persist. Choose your battles, won't you?!  

MAY 15-21:
Here comes the last week of the Taurus Zodiac sign, a time-period when in many places globally, people are renewing their "green thumbs," reworking their gardens. Wednesday, May 15, planet-of-communications-and-short-distance-travel Mercury, now enters Taurus. Thus, we have 5 planets in Taurus! Financially and practically speaking, we can plant our gardens, rearrange our bank accounts and wardrobes, too, for spring and summer needs, if we've been procrastinating. Time to to do what must be done, now that winter, has, for sure, turned to spring and summer. 

On this Wednesday and Thursday (May 15-16), Moon enters communicative, health-oriented, workaholic Virgo. Without Virgo, plans made (usually Pisces-ruled) would not manifest, folks! Then on Friday, May 17, as Messenger Mercury now meets up with dissenter Pluto, news we give or get could alter plans. So, stay alert to changes.

The upcoming weekend, May 18-19, looks enticing, as on Saturday, Desire-planet Venus in home-sign of Taurus is startled by a conjunction with Awakener Uranus. Something or someone's attention is unique; we don't quite know what to do about it. Likely everything this weekend will turn out fine, since the Sun conjuncts Good-luck planet Jupiter, bringing in helpful, optimistic people, and opportuniti. Plus, the Moon now enters charming, diplomatic and social Libra. Come Sunday, May 19, the Sun in late Taurus sextiles Creative Muse Neptune in Pisces--we're artistically inclined now. 

Monday, May 20, breathe a sign of relief as the Sun enters light-hearted, communicative & entertaining Gemini. The 3rd House sign is known for trips "around the 'Hood,' " near relatives, such as, siblings/cousins, aunts/uncles, and youthful people, all of which are to be accentuated this month. A few words about the Gemini vibrations:

"While many of us part company with friends as we discard a job or change residences, Gemini will cross state lines, class and race delineations, cultural differences to maintain friendships for decades. The song, "Lean on Me," is not its song, since Gemini desires to be unfettered--all the better to chase down its own dreams; yet, you can be sure that you will be accepted for just who and what you are (M. Collins, "Dining by the Stars, An Astrology Cookbook," p. 42)." 

And last of this forecast week, Tuesday, May 21, the Scorpio Moon opposes its opposite, also-stubborn Fixed sign, Taurus. Any differences of opinion are likely to be solved in an unusual way, as the following day, (May 22), Sun in Gemini trines potent Pluto in Aquarius. 

MAY 22-31:
"Coming round the bend, " Wednesday, May 22, Sun now in Air/Mental sign of Mercurial Gemini trines Change-agent Pluto in Aquarius. Work-related activities progress smoothly, while the Retro motion of Pluto might require bringing in consultants to look at Restructuring some past developments. 

Next day, Thursday, May 23 is Full Moon day at 2.56 degrees Sagittarius. What else? Love-goddess Venus joins Good-luck planet Jupiter at 29 degrees Taurus, signaling some positive jurisdiction in legal matters even; and, in general, bringing about a good reason to celebrate today! That's since Jupiter itself sextiles Creative Muse Neptune that could bring positive developments in the creative arts--or at a personal level even medicine, if one needs to see a doctor. 

Plus, Venus later today (Thurs., May 23) leaves "safe and seductive" Taurus for life-of-the-party Gemini: 
"Just don't expect your Gemini sweetheart not to notice or to even stop flirting with others when you two are out together. It's the nature of the creature to investigate everything and everyone. He may even be stunned and not entirely pleased to discover that he is stuck on you! The path Gemini takes to your heart is not the straight line of an Aries. Think of a butterfly. How it flits from one stop to another on a sunny summer day. Would you really want to clip its wings? Spontaneously, the butterfly may land on your shoulder. Why not invite it to stay a while (M. Collins, "Dining by the Stars, An Astrology Cookbook," p.37)? " These then are the vibrations available to us to enjoy presently.

The Full Moon itself--still dealing with Thurs., May 23--in Sagittarius, suggests that for the next couple of days we favor its characteristics, instead of the Gemini Sun. That would mean some risk-taking, enthusiastically inviting friends along to a concert; motor-biking; hiking or even a hunting-fest. Both the Sun in Gemini and the Full Moon in Sagittarius make close aspects to Pluto in Aquarius; great for necessary changes in personal, as well as the professional sphere. 

Then, Friday, May 24, we're likely feeling the fallout from yesterday's Full Moon, acknowledging the results of our efforts since the last New Moon, May 7. As the Sagittarius Moon trines dynamic Mars in Aries, we end the work-week, energetically!

Over the weekend, Saturday, May 25, Love-goddess Venus, having just flitted into Gemini, trines Pluto, Retrograding in Aquarius. We may find ourselves in a "deja vu" situation in romance; but we're willing to put in some effort now. Then, Jupiter, also enters Gemini! That's after just about a year in Taurus, making life more bearable for these natives (along with opposite sign of Scorpio, and Leo and Aquarius) that have needed to deal with Awakener Uranus in their sign (through 1st week in July, 2025, yet!). With Sun, Venus, and now Jupiter in communicable, mental sign of The Twins, we all feel more companionable! Transiting Moon, however, enters nose-to-the-grindstone Capricorn.

Sunday, May 26, is a quieter day, aspect-wise, with only the orderly Capricorn Moon sextiling stern-teacher Saturn. We're all about taking responsibilities and service to others seriously. 

Then Monday, May 27, it is Messenger Mercury--in slower-reacting, but thorough and also trustworthy Taurus--sextiling Saturn. We can tackle tasks that seem burdening.  As the Moon enters humanitarian but offbeat Aquarius, we may solve a puzzle by thinking "out of the box!" Next day, a Tuesday, May 28), the Moon in Aquarius trines the up-and-at-them Gemini Sun! We have a good handle on whatever needs doing today.

Nearing the end of May that's been more settling than other months of 2024, on Wed., May 29, the Moon in Aquarius takes issue with unconventional Uranus, bringing some sort of unexpected complications. That's while the Moon later in the day enters dreamy, intuitive Pisces. On Thursday, May 30, Moon in Pisces is in some sort of conflict with a Venus in the more sociable Gemini.

Finally, TGIF has arrived! On May 31, Communicator Mercury conjuncts Planet-of-the-unexpected Uranus, surprising us in some way, unless we have been alert enough to expect-the-unexpected! With Moon now in exuberant Aries, we can handle whatever comes up!

Astrology prognosis for