2 0 2 4 D E C E M B E R !
Not as rough-and-tumble a month as November,--with the exception being by the end of the month--December starts with an action-packed first week, partially because of the New Moon at 9.47 degrees Sagittarius on Sunday, Dec. 1, but also since we're being foretold that Action-planet Mars in potent Leo is about to Retrograde through most of February, 2025! It'd be a good idea then to take important steps during this first week, prior to Mars Retro, and improve some kind of a situation or partnership. That's particularly true since Messenger Mercury in Sagittarius is presently Retrograding--accounting for travel & communications snafus-- along with Distant Planets (Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune). So, don't expect new projects to run smoothly.
Moving on to Monday, Dec. 2, Desire-planet Venus in discriminating, yet earthy and seductive Capricorn, trines Planet-of-the-unexpected Uranus in Taurus. Something unique and out-of-the-blue, favors our love-life and encourages socializing. Gifts, too may, unexpectedly, arrive! The Advent season just began this past Sunday! Moon enters Earth-sign, sometimes reclusive, refined Capricorn.
Though Tuesday, Dec. 3, holds scant planetary aspects, earlier positive aspects of the Venus/Uranus trine may continue to influence our social lives; while under the New Moon influence, we may accelerate holiday gift-buying or, at least, considering certain plans for holidays. Take concrete steps to improve a relationship or relieve a health problem!
Then Wednesday, Dec. 4, Mercury Retrograde once again opposes generous Jupitar. This may be an add-on to what happened back around Nov. 19, when these two planets opposed one another. Jupiter, in general, deals with positive developments that may quickly get out of hand or may "boomerang" on us in an unusual, not so pleasant, way. That day, too, Sun in Sagittarius squares Stern-teacher Saturn. There's a lesson to learn/teach & someone may not like it. Since Attraction-planet Venus sextiles Neptune, we may veer off into an admiration of the arts or even run an altruistic fundraiser; or receive a message from the Universe of how "to fix" something. With such other options, no need to get depressed when Saturn says, "No!" Moon enters offbeat, visionary, humanitarian sign of Aquarius.
Come Thursday, Dec. 5, Sun and Mercury join forces to decide how best to deal with energies that are "push and pull" through the holidays, through New Year's Eve! The next day, Dec. 6, Mars Retrogrades at 6.10 degrees Leo. For the rest of this month, January, and through Feb. 23, much as we'd like to accomplish goals with hutzpah, in some way or another, we're sidelined! Whether it's because of too many other responsibilities, someone who we need to care for, mitigating circumstances won't allow full force ahead...Thus this first week get things done!
Next day, Saturday, Dec. 7, Creative Muse Neptune, Retrograding since July 2, goes Direct at 27.7 degrees of Pisces. For some of us, that may have meant that a vision, plan, or decision could not yet actualize; perhaps the indirect movement picked up some "missing piece." In March of 2025, as Neptune passes into the sign of Aries, it'll offer different options for us. This Direct motion during December through February may bring about an Aha! moment for some of us that have not been able to see clearly where the road we're on is leading us; whether some relationship is good or bad for us, will last or best be set aside. The Moon, too, now enters the sign of dreamy Pisces that can be "saint or sinner :)."
This same Saturday, Dec. 7, Love-goddess Venus leaves the more rational, stable, sign of Capricorn for the "one-of-a-kind" Aquarius. For this short period of time (through Jan. 2), Venus brings in the energy to look far ahead into the future in fashion, perhaps, in relating to one another, too. Also, Sun opposing Santa Claus planet Jupiter, brightens our mood. Don't let this be an exaggeration of a situation or relationship. Try your best not to overdo!
The upcoming days from Sunday (Dec. 8) to Wednesday (Dec. 11), we've only aspects formed by the Moon, while Retrogrades still count, folks! First, on Sunday, the Moon in creative Pisces sextiles Awakener Uranus. That means with some effort on our part, we can use the unique to our advantage. Then Monday (Dec. 9), Moon in impulsive Aries trines a Retrograde Mars in Leo: feelings and actions taken are in sync, forge ahead! Tuesday (Dec. 10), Moon still in speed-loving Aries trines the Sun in risk-taking Sagittarius--drive your moped, go hiking, visit with your group of buddies! Then on Dec. 11, Wednesday, an over-the-hump day, Moon enters solid-citizen Taurus, that can become supremely stubborn as it meets up with the dominant Leo Mars.
On Thursday, Dec. 12, you can "give them something to talk about," as sometimes outrageous Venus in Aquarius opposes Mars! Continue your flirting, won't you, on Friday, Dec. 13, as Communicator Mercury sextiles Venus! Moon enters elusive butterfly Gemini! Saturday, Dec. 14, Moon in Gemini conjuncts jolly Jupiter...terrific for setting a holiday mood!
Sunday, Dec. 15, of the 3rd Advent, has Messenger Mercury back at 8.24 degrees Sagittarius, turning Direct after 3 weeks of misdirection and confusion. Fortunately, that Mercury is still within orb of sextiling Love Goddess Venus (9.26 degrees Aquarius), while trining Action-planet Mars in proud Leo! Thus, lovers are apt to be feeling the spark (Venus) and acting upon it (Mars)! Others may enjoy more socializing, celebrating with colleagues and friends the upcoming holidays. That's especially true because of the Full Moon rising today at 24 degrees Gemini. For sure, multitasking, a Gemini trait, could prove to be helpful at this busy time of year. We're not entirely clear-headed at this time, since we've yet to get reacquainted with the change to forward movement. Since Full Moons are Harvest Moons, note the fruits of your efforts of the past couple of weeks!
With all that taking place, good then that on the upcoming Monday and Tuesday (Dec.16-17), the Moon makes the only planetary aspects, having entered the family-oriented, personal and private, Cancer late yesterday. For example, on Monday, the Moon trines restrictive Saturn: thus we get along well with seniors and those in authority. The next day, the Moon has moved along and trines Creative Muse Neptune, also in Pisces. We might make someone's dream (Neptune-ruled) come true. Soon enough, Moon enters dynamic Leo.
Only a few days before the Sun in philosophizing, high-energy Sagittarius transits into Earth-sign, the more somber Capricorn. Come Wednesday (Dec. 18) the Sun in the sign of The Archer squares Planet-of-illusions/delusions Neptune. Don't believe all you see and hear around this time. Next day, Thursday, Dec. 19, Attraction-planet Venus in one-of-a-kind, eccentric Aquarius trines Santa Claus planet Jupiter in Gemini. Anything influenced by Venus (love, artistic ventures, gifts, even $$, travel) may be emphasized. However, from around Dec. 19-29, it'd be a good idea to avoid any extremes, following a middle, the more conservative, path; that's since expansion-planet Jupiter squares off with Karmic, maturing-planet Saturn that restricts and puts obstacles in our path, to test us. This particular aspect is exact next week on Christmas Eve--note that :)
Friday, Dec. 20, is a quiet day with transiting Moon in orderly, practical-minded Earth-sign, communicative Virgo. Careful, since the orderly Virgo Moon is at odds with Messenger Mercury going direct in Sagittarius. We may be too outspoken (Mercury in Sag) for our own good. With Mars Retrograding into February and the Sun about to enter tradition-loving Capricorn, tomorrow, Dec. 21, we may want to focus more on the spiritual side of the holidays. What with the New Year also coming up, make room not only for celebrations but also for making peace within our own circle, and even ending a negative habit or two.
A quick reminder about the sign of Capricorn, which the Sun entered yesterday and whose energies we can adapt to our own needs:
"This Sun sign can be depended upon to help whoever and whatever needs fixing, though not without bestowing a litany of wisdom of where one went wrong and brought the trouble upon one's self. Capricorn believes that if there were no mistakes, there would be no adventure (nor should there be :). It's best at helping in practical ways. If you want emotional support, visit your Water-sign kin (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). (M. Collins. "Dining by the Stars, An Astrology Cookbook," p. l40).
Then Sunday, Dec. 22, and the next day, Dec. 23, there are only Moon transits: these will be quieter days. Sunday then, the Moon is in charming, diplomatic, and socially-minded Libra, ruled as it is by the Scales of Justice. This Moon sextiles a Retro Mars in Leo, which requires us to Reevaluate actions already taken and correct them as past issues and people Resurface. Sextile is a positive aspect, where our efforts can Remediate some situation. Then, the start of the new week, Monday, Dec. 23, the Libra Moon trines Santa Claus planet, generous Jupiter, just ahead of Christmas Eve. Day, spreading the cheer!
Christmas Eve. Day, Dec. 24, for those of us that celebrate it, has expansion-planet Jupiter opposing restrictive, reality and karmic planet Saturn. Saturn breeds Maturity through lessons learned by overcoming obstructions, delays, and obstacles. This aspect was already felt by Dec. 19th and will continue to affect us through Dec. 29. Costs and energy-requirements will be high enough throughout the remaining days and the following month of January; so drawing some boundaries now for yourself would be wise.
Christmas Day (Dec. 25) itself sports an intense, intuitive, mystic Moon in Scorpio that soon sextiles the Sun in solemn, tradition-loving, also task-oriented, Capricorn. Enjoy masterminding your holidays!
Already in the three days following a Merry Christmas, we shall feel the need "to put the brakes on," that's Dec. 26-28, Thursday through Saturday. Starting with Thursday, Communicator Mercury--also ruling short trips, near kin, and one's neighborhood--opposes Jolly Jupiter! We're likely to feel the after-effects of celebrating. Shortly, thereafter, Friday, Dec. 27, if we've not heeded the need to slow down, strict-teacher Saturn through a square reminds us of obligations we'd prefer to forget. Saturn can clip one's wings! As the Moon enters philosophizing, and at times too candid, Sagittarius, we've the choice to learn our lesson or throw caution to the winds and just forge ahead, regretting later. The week ends on Dec. 28, a Saturday, Love-goddess Venus in freedom-loving, visionary, but also rebellious Aquarius has a run-in with Planet-of-the-unexpected Uranus, in Taurus! Now Venus wants what it wants, when it wants it...while Uranus in such a hard aspect (square) invites a shock of the unexpected! For some couples, the unexpected can be harnessed and handled well. If you pick up the challenge, don't blame anyone if it's not your cup of tea!
Here we come to Sunday, Dec. 29, tension already forming through tomorrow's upcoming New Moon in Capricorn. However, the Moon, presently, in risk-taking Sagittarius sextiles Venus in Aquarius--both female arch-types. Here's a chance to kick up our heels, especially should the ladies wish to convene and celebrate together, before Moon enters the more cautious Capricorn! Altogether, these last days of 2024, with Earthy, practically-oriented Capricorn vibes, also contain 2 planetary placements in Active/Confident Fire signs (Sagittarius and Mars in Leo) and 2 placements in Mental/Air signs of Aquarius. We face the New Year 2025 more socially inclined, less reserved.
Come Monday, Dec. 30, there's the 2nd New Moon this month at 9.17 degrees Capricorn. How appropriate, as we end one year and begin the other. That's since the Sun and Moon together FOCUS energies, and often are used to kick-start new projects, as well as a new phase in relationships. Because of the Mars Retrograde and its opposition to Empowerment planet Pluto, however, it may be best to hold off in action for at least through mid-January, possibly longer. Good then that we can count on for assistance on long-distance planets Inspirational Muse Neptune still sextiling Pluto! Even Awakener Uranus Retrograding away from its trine to Pluto is still close enough in orbit to influence us, positively, through unexpected means and peoples. An example of Uranus/Pluto energies, as well as the Mars/Pluto opposition (felt pre-and-post Mars Retrograde), witness Near East political developments, say, Syria, in the public arena! As Uranus Retrogrades/back-slides, unexpected happenings (Uranus ruled) have an explosive affect on staid regimes. The same is, likely, to be happening in our personal situations and personal attachments! Only you know the specifics to your story.
What's happening now and through mid-month of January, Mars, most strong in the sign of Leo, opposes Empowerment-planet of Pluto, a time to be aware of one's surroundings and the possible force of developments. The Retrograde motion of Mars, during this square, though, puts the power into our own hands, rather than that of...the power/forces of the Universe. Please to note that by January 5, Mars Reenters the family-oriented sign of Cancer, instead of Leo. This will help direct powerful energies in more domestic realms. However, note that CHANGE is as inevitable, as it is necessary, NOW.
And, finally, on Dec. 31, a Tuesday, New Year's Eve Day, as if the Mars-opposition-Pluto vibe is enough, there's only a Moon in Capricorn trine to Planet-of-the-unexpected Uranus. Let's Ring-in-the-New-Year harnessing the unexpected and unique, rather than fearing it. Happy New Year, folks!
ANNOUNCEMENT: Just wanted to let you know that this is the last astrology forecast that this website is listing. after a couple of decades of forecasting. It's been a pleasure to serve you. The rest of what this website offers will remain open until around September 2025. May the New Year treat you well.
With love and affection,